Hi, Nice to meet you

Senior Blockchain Developer & Web Developer

Specialized in Smart Contract Development | Full-stack Development

Seasoned Blockchain Expert with over a 6 years of experience in developing decentralized application and smart contracts. Possessed a unique blend of both user-friendly front-end and robust back-end development skills. With a solid foundation in programming languages such as JavaScript, Python, and C++, and a deep understanding of software development principles and best practices. Passionated about creaing innovative and efficient solutions to complex problems.



Smart Contract
Decentralized Application
Blockchain Architecture


AI Engineering

I have been working as a Blockchain Developer for 6 years.
Mostly work as a Smart Contract Developer.
- Smart Contract
- Decentralized Application
- Blockchain Architecture
- Consensus Algorithm
- Cryptography
- Solidity, Golang, Rust

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Web Development

8 years of experience in Web development.
- Strong HTML + CSS, SCSS, Tailwind CSS, TypeScript
- Node.js, Express, FastAPI, Nest
- React, Next.js, Redux, React Hooks, React Native
- Apollo, GraphQL, Firebase
- MongoDB, mongoose, postgreSQL, MySQL
- Socket programming, socket.io, websocket
- AWS services, Azure, Google cloud
- CI/CD, Git, Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins

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What I can do

Blockchain Developement

  • Smart contracts
  • Decentralized Application
  • Blockchain Architecture

Bitcoin    Ethereum
Hyperledger    Cosmos SDK
Evmos    Solana

Full-stack Development

  • Front-end

  • Back-end

Web & Mobile Frontend Development
Smart Contract ABI integration
NodeJS Backend Development


  • CI/CD

  • Cloud Services

  • Version Control

  • Containerization and Orchestration

AWS    Google Cloud    Azure
Git    GitHub    GitLab
Docker    Kubernetes

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